Simple And Effective Flexibility Exercises For Women


The purpose of the exercise is to help you lose weight, but it also has other benefits. Regular sessions of exercise make you more flexible, and flexibility is extremely important if you want to stay fit and avoid injuries, muscle pain, back pain, and others. Flexibility is essential, especially for women, because women often fall prey to backache and other problems in their middle age.

Various flexibility exercises for women help to increase their flexibility. These stretching exercises shall be performed regularly after your workout, and you will notice the change in no time.



You can begin on all fours with hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Inhale and arch your spin such that your belly goes down and your face and tailbone lift upwards. Afterward, exhale and push your hands and knees to hollow your belly. Keep your spin round and chin towards your chest. Repeat 3-5 times.


Lizard Pose

It is one of the most amazing flexibility exercises for women. You can start in a low lunge with your foot outside your right hand, and your left leg extended straight back. Now, keeping your spine long and core engaged, lower your forearms and hold it for 5-8 deep breaths. It would help if you also allowed your hips to relax and open while exhaling. Next, push up your hands while returning to low lunge. Repeat.


Standing Hamstring Stretch

It is another flexibility exercise for women that everyone of you must perform after your yoga or workout. Stand on the ground keeping your feet hip-width apart and your hands by your side. Exhale and bend forward such that you lower your head towards the floor. Keep your head, shoulders, and neck relaxed. Hold the back of the legs with both your hands and then resume to normal position.


Butterfly Stretch

Sit on the ground, having your back straight and knees bent. Move the knees out to the sides such that soles of both of your legs meet at the center and the edges lie on the floor. Engage your abs and lower your body towards the feet as far as possible. Ensure that your knees are towards the floor. Hold it for 30 seconds. Repeat.


The above-listed flexibility exercises for women are a mustperform. So add them to your workout routine now.


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