How to Resolve Back Pain with Yoga
Yoga is a relaxing exercise that helps build and maintain the strength and flexibility of your back muscles. It's especially beneficial for seniors, as it can help to reduce lower-back pain–something which tends to be very common in older adults. Through its series of poses, yoga for back pain encourages proper breathing techniques while stretching and strengthening the body, promoting muscle relaxation and improved balance as well as bone health. With regular practice incorporating these postures into your routine, you'll be able to enjoy gradual improvements in mobility with time. How does yoga for back pain work? Yoga helps to strengthen the muscles that support your spine and lower back. This includes the par spinal muscles, which help you bend your spine, the multifidus muscles, which stabilize each vertebra in place and also exercising transverse abdominals (TrA) located in the abdomen. All of these contribute to a stable spinal column. The advanta...